Rank 3 Fano 3-folds
- a double cover of
branched along a divisor of tridegree (2,2,2). This is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 22:
Note that this is a G-Fano. - a member of
on the
such that
is irreducible, where
is the tautological line bundle and
is a member of
. As discussed here, this is period sequence 97.
We do not understand this variety: in particular it does not seem to be Fano.Write
for the ambient
-bundle, which is the toric variety with weight data:
The line bundleis
, so
is a member of
. The equation defining
takes the form:
wherea linear function of
are homogeneous functions of
of bidegrees (1,2) in the
; and
, and
are homogeneous functions of
of bidegrees (2,3) in the
Consider now the subvariety
defined by the equations
. This is a copy of
; note that
. The variety
in the curve
cut out by the equation
. Without loss of generality we can take
, so that on
we have
. The curve
is a copy of
. We have that
is trivial on
(because the section
is non-vanishing on
) and that
is also trivial on
(because the section
is non-vanishing on
). Thus
is trivial on
, and so
is not Fano.
- a divisor on
of tridegree
. This is straightforward quantum Lefschetz:
Regularizing this gives period sequence 31:
- the blow-up of
, the 2-to-1 cover of
with branch locus a divisor of type (2,2), with center a smooth fiber of
. The variety
is a hypersurface of type
in the rank-2 toric variety with weight data:
We need to blow up the locus, obtaining our variety
as a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 151:
- the blow-up of
with center a curve of bidegree (5,2) that projects isomorphically to a conic in
. We construct this as a codimension-2 complete intersection in
has weight data:
The equations definingare
whereare quadratic polynomials in the
, and so
is a complete intersection of type
. Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives a period sequence that we do not have yet:
- the blow-up of
with center the disjoint union of a line
and an elliptic curve
of degree 4. Since
is a (2,2) complete intersection in
, our variety
is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 146:
- the blow-up
with center an elliptic curve which is a complete intersection of two members of
. Recall that
is a (1,1) hypersurface in
, and so
is a complete intersection in
of type
. Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 36:
Note that this is a D4 form (i.e. the Picard–Fuchs equation has unexpectedly low degree in D). It is almost certainly a G-Fano, as there is an obvious
- a member of the linear system
, where
are the projections and
is the blow-up. The weight data for
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 85:
admits an obvious map to
. Writing the equation defining
in the form
we find that
is a divisor of type (0,2) and
is a divisor of type (1,2). Thus
is also the blow up of
in a curve of bidegree (4,2) that is a complete intersection of type
- the blow-up of the cone
over the Veronese surface
with center the disjoint union of a vertex and a quartic in
. Thus
is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 68:
- the blow-up of a quadric
with center a disjoint union of two conics on
. We take
to be the locus
, and take the conics to be cut out of
; note that the intersection of these two planes misses
. So we can construct the variety
as a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 67:
- the blow-up
with center a complete intersection of two general members of
is also the blow up of
in a curve of bidegree (2,3) that is a complete intersection of type
. Consider the toric variety with weight data:
This is, and
is cut out here as a hypersurface of type
. Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 107:
To see that
is a blow-up of
as claimed, note that
admits an obvious map to
. Rewriting the equation defining
in the form
we see that
is a divisor of type (1,1) and
is a divisor of type (1,2). This suffices.
- the blow-up of
with centre a disjoint union of a twisted cubic and a line. As we will see,
is also the blow up of
in a curve of bidegree (3,2) that projects isomorphically to a conic in
. We begin by exhibiting
as a complete intersection in a toric variety
. The twisted cubic
is cut out of
by the equations:
The blow up ofalong
is cut out of
by the equation:
Observe that
is disjoint from the line
. We therefore blow up
along the locus
, obtaining the toric variety
with weight data:
The equations defininginside
and sois a complete intersection of type
. Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 144:
To see that
is a blow-up of
as claimed, note that the map
. Rewriting the equations of
we see thatis the blow-up of
along the curve
given by:
The equations definingare:
and solies entirely within the “cylinder surface”
. This cylinder surface is abstractly isomorphic to
, where
. The equations of
Thusis as described above.
- the blow-up…
- the blow-up of
with center the union of a cubic in a plane
and a point
not in
. Let
, and let
. Thus
is the blow-up of the curve
given by:
where the blow-upis
. Thus
is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 148:
- the blow-up
of a quadric
with center the disjoint union of a line on
and a conic on
is the blow-up of
along a curve of bidegree (2,2) that is a complete intersection of type
. To see this, we first exhibit
as a hypersurface in a toric variety. Note that the blow-up of
along the plane
and the line
is toric with weight data:
The map tohere sends
; there is also a map to
given by
is cut out of the above toric variety by a section of
. Thus we have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 112:
To see thatis the blow-up of
as claimed, write the equation defining
. Then by homogeneity
is a section of (0,2) and
is a section of (1,1).
- the blow-up of
with center the strict transform of a twisted cubic through the blown-up point
. Let
be the point
, and let
be the curve given by
Let the blow-upbe given by
. Then the strict transform of
is given by:
As before, we introduce new variablesand the toric variety
with weight data:
is cut out by the equations:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 119:
- a smooth divisor on
of tridegree
. This is straightforward quantum Lefschetz:
Regularizing this gives period sequence 37:
Note thatis also the blow-up of
along a curve of bidegree (1,2).
- the blow-up of
with center a disjoint union of a line
and a conic. Take the line to be
, and take the conic to be
. The blow-up of
, and the strict transform of the conic is cut out by
. Thus
is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
cut out by the equation. Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 160:
- the blow-up of a quadric
with center two non-colinear points. We construct this by taking the equation of the quadric to be
, blowing up the line
(this line is not contained in
) and then taking the proper transform of the quadric inside the blow-up of
. This is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 57:
- the blow-up of a 3-dimensional quadric
with center two disjoint lines on it. We take the quadric with equation
and blow up the lines
. Thus
is a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 63:
- the blow-up of
along a curve of bidegree (2,1).
is described by a single equation
, where
are quadratic polynomials in
, in the toric variety with weight data
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 98:
- the blow-up of
along a curve of bidegree (0,2), that is a conic in
. Thus
is described by a single equation
in the toric variety with weight data
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 152:
- the blow-up of
with center a conic passing through the blown-up point
. Let
be the point
. Define the conic by:
Taking the proper transform under the blow-upgives the equations:
where the blow-up is, and so we need to consider the locus:
This is a hypersurface of typein the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 158:
- the fiber product
is a (1,1) hypersurface in
. This is the blow up of
along a curve of bidegree (1,1). To see this, note first that
is cut out of
by the equations:
The first equation here cutsout of
; the second equation cuts
out of
, as it is the equation defining the blow-up of
We now exhibit
as the blow-up of a curve in
by projecting to
. This projection is an isomorphism away from the locus where the matrix
drops rank. This locus is:
i.e. a curve inof bidegree (1,1).
We can further simplify things by writingas a hypersurface in
. Write the co-ordinates on
and the co-ordinates on
; here the blow-up
.The two equations defining
(given above) reduce to the single equation:
Thusis a hypersurface of type
in the toric variety with weight data:
Quantum Lefschetz gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 86:
- the blow-up of
with center two disjoint lines. This is the toric variety with weight data:
The blow-up map is. We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 41:
- the blow-up
with center a disjoint union of a point and a line. This is also the blow-up of
in a curve of bidegree (0,1). So
is a toric variety, with weight data:
The blow-up map is. We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 113:
. This gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 21:
. This gives:
and regularizing gives period sequence 90:
- the blow-up of
with center a line on the exceptional divisor of the blow-up
. This is a toric variety with weight data:
We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 163:
- the blow-up of
with center the strict transform of a line through the blown-up point
. This is a toric variety with weight data:
We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 84:
- the total space of the bundle
. This is the toric variety with weight data:
We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 53:
Consider the hypersurface of type in the toric variety with weight data:
We have:
and regularizing gives period sequence 32:
It seems that Mori-Mukai may have missed this variety, and have included number 2 in the rank 3 list by mistake. Note that our is a section of
is the tautological bundle on
. The degree of
is 28.
Never mind: this is #2 on the Mori-Mukai list of rank-4 Fanos.
On 25, 29, 30 and 31: these are smooth toric varieties.
They correspond to period sequences 41, 53, 84 and 163.
To be more precise:
25 is unique smooth toric Fano with P=3 and degree 44,
it corresponds to period sequence 41.
31 is unique smooth toric Fano with P=3 and degree 52,
it corresponds to period sequence 53.
29 and 30 has same degree 50 and correspond to p.s. 84 (grdb – 520136) and 163 (grdb – 520127).
Need an extra computation to separate these two.
Here is it.
Mirror of
2.29 is blowup of line on exceptional divisor, so its mirror is

This Laurent polynomial has period sequence 163
[1, 0, 2, 0, 30, 60, 380, 840, 5950, 22680]
2.30 is blowup of line that strict transform of line passing the center of blowup

so its mirror is
This Laurent polynomial has period sequence 84
[1, 0, 2, 6, 30, 60, 470, 1680, 7630, 34440]
[Sorry, I had a typo here (!), 84 is correct]
Also, for 2.25 mirror is
On 3.7
It is not a G-Fano, but has a little of symmetry (
), so it looks like
Fano with Picard number 2.
(According to Matsuki’s data) other Fanos with this property in this list should have the following numbers:
3, 9, 10, 17, 19, 20, 25, 31
I wrote a wider review of these issues in the post
expected distribution of equations
Also I propose not to call this type of equation D4, since D4 is already reserved for equations that look like RQDE of P^4 (or 4-dimensional quadric). Better name for RQDE
of general Fano 3-fold with Picard number 2 is D3+1.
In general, type of RQDE for generic Fano variety is classified by its Lefschetz decomposition i.e. partition or Young tableux.
For Fano threefolds we will probably have just D3, D3+1, D3+2 and four D3+3’s.
(3+2 is a nickname for 3+2×1,
3+3 is a nickname for 3+3×1).
On 6, 10 and 23.
3.6 has period sequence 146
It is represented by complete intersection of degrees (1,0,2) and (0,1,1) in
3.10 has period sequence 67.
It is represented by complete intersection of degrees (1,0,1), (0,1,1) and (0,0,2) in
3.23 has period sequence 86.
It is represented by complete intersection of degrees (1,1,0) and (0,1,1) in
On 3.2: its description basically says it is a divisor in smooth toric fourfold.
On 3.24:
there is a typo in the very end (!)
the period is _not_ ps[130]: [1, 0, 4, 6, 60, 180, 1210, 5040, 30940, 150360]
but ps[86]: [1, 0, 4, 6, 60, 180, 1210, 5460, 30940, 165480]
They have same first 7 entries, so it was easy to mistake.
Moreover, period sequence 130 is bad – it has (2D-1) as a multiple. So this resolves the ambiguity we had before.
Also – 3.24 has 3 terminal Gorenstein degenerations,
and TGTD ansatz applied to them is exactly ps[86].
3.24 corresponds to ps[86]
3.23 should correspond to ps[158]
And there will be exactly 1-1 correspondence between 98 Fano threefolds and 98 good period sequences.
Following is the computation of first 10 terms:
Moreover, the description for 3.24 seems too complicated.
we can already apply quantum Lefschetz:
After on the third line X is described as the complete intersection of degrees (1,1,0) and (0,1,1) in
regularizing and normalizing we get
i.e. period sequence 86.