V. Batyrev: “Toric Deformations of Some Spherical Fano Varieties”
Here are my (incomplete) notes from Batyrev’s talk in the Extremal Laurent Polynomials workshop at Imperial:
If you have complete notes, please post them here.
Partial summary:
- spherical varieties
- a model family of examples:
- review: compactification and toric varieties
- spherical compactification in these examples
- valuations and coloured cones
- finding toric degenerations
Maybe it worth to note.
Yuri Prokhorov explianed to me that 2.21 with involution is actually a spherical variety – it has finite number of orbits with respect to
Construction is the following (http://books.google.com/books?id=iZOJuKZTEJkC&lpg=PA137&ots=OTpkhewIeD&dq=Tetsuo%20Nakano%20%22equivariant%20completions%22&lr&hl=ru&pg=PA143#v=onepage&q=Tetsuo%20Nakano%20%22equivariant%20completions%22&f=false):
Projective line
is embedded by linear system
preserving its image (twisted quartic C).
and its automorphism group acts on
In fact it is just 4th symmetric power of tautological representation.
Choose a generic invariant of degree $2$ i.e. smooth three-dimensional quadric Q that contains C and is G-invariant.
Then blowup of Q in C is a Fano threefold V of type 2.21 with action of G, the other contraction is also G-invariant and hence isomorphic to the original one,
so automorphisms of V are extended from G by an involution.
Numerous toric degenerations of spherical varieties were constructed by Alexeev and Brion,
however I don’t know if there is a theorem describing quantum multiplication by $c_1$ for spherical varieties.
Morally it should be possible to do using same technique as for toric and homogeneous varieties – just localize curves to B-invariant,
but have anybody already wrote on this? Could it be in the missing part of the talk?